Firmware Sunstech In Hawaii

Firmware Sunstech In Hawaii

The latest and last release of Modroid (unless Eken releases a Gingerbread or Honeycomb based firmware).-Edited for space-Download (112MB roughly) Modroid.

In what cases should I flash My Android Tablet? OK if you are having any of the following issues then you can definitely go ahead and flash your tablet the more severe the case the better: 1. Your Tablet is Stuck on the Android boot Logo or screen. Your Tablet needs to be updated to the latest version from a firmware file. The tablet is slow and unusable and needs to be wiped clean.

Too many Pattern attempt and you are locked out, but you should first. Or any method that renders your tablet unusable.

Before you proceed remember you are responsible for anything that might happen to your tablet and also please only use this method if your tablet is bricked and cannot boot or is unusable in that way if your situation improves it’s a win win. Flash Android Tablet To flash your Android tablet you will need a few things, first you will need to your firmware file for your tablet or one that’s close or compatible and remember if you get it wrong the tablet will not boot up or boot and the touch will be unresponsive, so read our guide on how to. Now if you are still following and you have found your firmware files using our guide you will now need the flashing tool called Livesuit Pack. LiveSuit Pack V 1.11 Download The tool you will be downloading is called here and its used to flash.img files or image files (Firmware) unto most Android tablets especially the Chinese tablets that are so popular,read on to find out how to use this tool.

How to Flash Android Tablet Using LiveSuit Pack? Now please follow these instructions once you have found the correct firmware for your Tablet and downloaded the Livesuit Pack tool from above, make sure your tablet is turned off and disconnected from the PC before proceeding: 1. You will need to extract the zipped package that you downloaded called:, once extracted open the folder called Livesuit Pack.

Now launch the program called Livesuitpack.exe and it should run and extract some files in the folder to which it was extracted, If you are getting a failure error skip to the fix below and come back to this part later. You should now be seeing this screen: Select install anyway or the lower option. Next a new screen will pop up that prompts you saying: For this one answer No. Now from the interface of the program in the upper left select your.IMG (Firmware) file by browsing for it, it should be extracted if its zipped and it must be a.IMG file. Get the tablet that should be off and charged up, now press volume up button and while still holding volume up connect the tablet to the PC by the USB, now press the power button repeatedly about ten times while counting at a normal pace or once every second (Keep holding volume up) the tablet should go into download mode.

A force format warning should appear on-screen now on your PC if you did everything correctly, you can let go of volume up: Choose yes and then yes again in the next screen. The progress bar should now start moving in the program as it flashes your android tablet,when it is finished you will get this on screen: 9. Congratulations your job is finished and the tablet should start up on its own, if not you know what to do. That’s it if you did everything correctly your you tablet should boot up and be functional, if not you made a mistake on the Firmware and you need to find the correct one.

How to Fix the Livesuit Pack Windows 8 Driver failure error? If you are using a newer version of Windows such as Windows 8 or maybe even other versions of windows and when you try to launch LiveSuit it gives errors and resfuse to run, here is what you can do to fix the issue and have it install on Windows 8. Try running the file as an Administrator by right clicking and selecting Run as administrator and it should run, if not read on. Even the above does not work sometimes so here is what you do, we need to disable the Windows 8 feature that is preventing unsigned drivers from being installed (This method can be used to fix other programs with similar problems) 3. Now hold down CTL+ALT+Delete buttons at the same time and a windows will pop up now look for the power button option in the bottom right of the screen. Now hit shift key while you click restart. You are now in a mode that looks like Windows recovery console, go right into Advance options, then startup settings and your pc will reboot.

You will now be at a blue boot screen with several options select: Allow install of unsigned drivers (The seventh choice) and now the computer will boot up and all you need to do is, re-extract Livesuit Pack and launch again and follow the guide above on how to use it.

Sunstech Tablet

Firmware Sunstech In Hawaii

The latest 1.5.3 firmware release of Modroid. Modroid-v11 is based on Eken's 1.5.3 firmware Installation and Tips document updated (PLEASE READ IT!) Fully Rooted Removed Stock ROM garbage apps Custom modified green framework Apps2sd working Android Market Hosts file to block most in app ads and website ads Increased volume output and microphone gain Added Live Wallpaper support Removed 0 byte files left over from removed stock applications Borrowed and modified Uberoids 'changer.bat' so that Modroid could support more devices more easily. Changed since v10 Nothing other than being based on 1.5.3 firmware. Changed since v9 Removed ALL wmt apps (music browser, recorder, video browser etc) and replaced with similar apps. Reconfigured zeem launcher to have more columns and rows by default. Changed default wallpaper. Improved boot logo a little bit.

Added default 'browser' app back. Improved SD card read/write speeds. Removed unneeded services from startup scripts.

Various other small system tweaks. Added a little more green to the framework. Changed since v8 Added old Market back (issues with 3.1.3) Enhanced build.prop Removed Flash 10 for speed/stability reasons (installer included if you want to reinstall it) Fixed Facebook bug (no longer crashes when logging in) General house cleaning and other stuff. Changed since v7 Quicker boot time (avg 45-50 seconds) Added better wifi driver Added wm8650 7' netbook to changer.bat Added stock rotation arrow back Added a little bit more green to the framework (still some orange left though.sigh.) Removed the default 'Browser' app in favor of 'Dolphin Browser Mini' Removed 'Package Manager' and 'AppMonster' as they aren't needed (use settings - applications - manage applications) Replaced 'AdvancedTasKiller' with 'Android Assistant' (more features) Replaced LauncherPro with Zeem Launcher. (1/6th the size and much faster!) Preconfigured Zeem launcher desktop and settings for best performance. Added the latest Android Market (version 3.1.3) Added a new boot logo (thanks CoffeeFreak!) Added option to install a modified GREEN wmtlauncher. Removed Aquarium live wallpaper and replaced with Matrix live wallpaper.

Removed about 2mb of ringtones as they weren't needed for anything. Removed Gtalk as it was an OLD version. Removed Google voice search (didn't work, use Bing! Instead if you want voice search) There's probably more, i just can't remember anymore. Couldn't resist not trying it. Chose option 1, since I have a Greenie.

Only option 2 for the BLUE LED would work on my GREEN LED M009S from Merimobiles. I know I'm not color blind, but I have not ruled out someone in the assembly line that could not tell the difference between a Green and a Blue LED! Funny and amazing.

Now, I'm seeing an ever so slight performance difference between 6.5 and 7, with the latter being a bit less snappier. Also, if I could get some assistance in the removal of the 'restore' files I would certainly appreciate it. I think, since the ROM is already rooted all I need is connect to a PC. Is it ok to delete the folder 'restore' or only its contents? Bottom line: this is an amazing ROM with a collective effort put into it directly by Winknix, but indirectly by Singularity, DrCheap, Uberoid, et. Thanks Winknix!!! Superb achievement from your visually abled friend, Joe.

Hi, and thanks for another great ROM! My problem is that I cant get full market working, although I have tried flushing several times. When doing the flush, at the first step, should I log in to the market using my google account? Or does the 'let it fully load' mean just opening the market until it asks for the login information? Secondly, how can I get Google Maps to the device? I have a green-led MID V7 from merimobiles. I did not like the.bat file in this rom.

That can be run only in windows! Thank you for this excellent firmware! Finally a firmware that really makes my MID v7 move. Even Angry Birds is playable now!

I've tried many firmwares, including Vestinious, Singularity, Modroid v6.5 and Uberoid and this is the first firmware that is able to run games in an acceptable way. BTW I have a MID v7 with a green LED, but from all firmwares I tried, I have to use the BLUE LED version, just as Joe G. It seems there is a manufacturer who produces MIDs with the blue LED internals, but mounts a green LED instead. Just because I wanted to know, I tried the green LED version and it hangs during boot.

The blue LED version runs perfectly well, including sound, wifi and everything without tweaks needed. Only remark is that the change.bat exits with an error, but only after it has finished what it should do. So the error is a pure cosmetic problem. Just add a 'eof' label at the end of the.bat and you're good to go. edit It seems I was a bit too enthousiastic. After it entered and exited sleep mode one time, my wifi is now broken.

It detects all networks in my neighbourhood, but can't connect to any. I'm now digging through the solutions mentioned in the first post. Edited by Squirrel61, 08 August 2011 - 03:21 PM. The latest and last release of Modroid (unless Eken releases a Gingerbread or Honeycomb based firmware).Edited for space- Download (112MB roughly) Cheers. Force closes, it just needs to be reinstalled. First uninstall Bing!, then reinstall it. Google voice needs to be reinstalled also.

First uninstall, then reinstall. Grab it Thanks wicknix, I haven't tried it yet but even if it doesn't work I think you earned a pound of fresh roasted coffee for your hard work. PM me your address and I'll send you one.

Edited by CoffeeFreak, 08 August 2011 - 08:54 PM. Thanks for the initial bug reports. I've uploaded a new v7 with the fixed changer.bat and a fully working market so new users don't have to modify anything. Seems google finally limited the generic devices on what was available on the market.

I went ahead and changed Modroid to mimic my cell phone (LG Thrive) and all is well again from what i can tell. I can now find facebook and skype again which i couldn't before. If you don't need the changer.bat fix and want to edit your own build.prop there is no need to download the fixed version, just change your build.prop to this: (mimics a samsung galaxy tab) ro.product.model=GT-P1000 ro.product.brand=samsung ro.product.device=GT-P1000 ro.product.board= ro.product.cpu.abi=armeabi ro.product.manufacturer=samsungThen reboot, run market, sign in, do the market flush, and reboot. @wim-nl: Yes you can safely remove them if you don't want them. Those particular apps won't harm anything if removed. @stuartmc: I should have worded that better.

Go into Titaniums settings and change the app processing mode to indirect. @juska & funder: See above (and yes log in to market first, then do the flush) @Squirrel61: Glad you like it. Not sure what the issue might be with sleep/hibernate and wifi, never used it myself. I use the tab until it dies and recharge and use it some more.

@Badazz: Changes listed in the first post, and the 6.5 thread is no longer pinned, so it's further down in the forum thread listing now. Edited by wicknix, 08 August 2011 - 11:35 PM. Thanks for the initial bug reports. I've uploaded a new v7 with the fixed changer.bat and a fully working market so new users don't have to modify anything. Seems google finally limited the generic devices on what was available on the market.

I went ahead and changed Modroid to mimic my cell phone (LG Thrive) and all is well again from what i can tell. I can now find facebook and skype again which i couldn't before.

If you don't need the changer.bat fix and want to edit your own build.prop there is no need to download the fixed version, just change your build.prop to this: (mimics a samsung galaxy tab) ro.product.model=GT-P1000 ro.product.brand=samsung ro.product.device=GT-P1000 ro.product.board= ro.product.cpu.abi=armeabi ro.product.manufacturer=samsungThen reboot, run market, sign in, do the market flush, and reboot. @wim-nl: Yes you can safely remove them if you don't want them. Those particular apps won't harm anything if removed. @stuartmc: I should have worded that better.

Go into Titaniums settings and change the app processing mode to indirect. C @juska & funder: See above @Squirrel61: Glad you like it. Not sure what the issue might be with sleep/hibernate and wifi, never used it myself. I use the tab until it dies and recharge and use it some more. @Badazz: Changes listed in the first post, and the 6.5 thread is no longer pinned, so it's further down in the forum thread listing now. Are the changes to Changer.bat and the market fix the only 2 changes in the 'New' V7?

1) I have the generic Blue LED device so I can just copy the wmtscriptcmd file and I dont need to do the whole changer.bat bit, correct? 2) I already did the market fix you noted above so again nothing else needed by me, correct? Thanks, Shahhere.

Firmware Sunstech In Hawaii